
admin 电竞直播 2024-05-03 11 0



  在伦敦温布利球场上,英格兰2:0淘汰德国。有些英格兰球迷对一个被拍到伤心哭泣的小球迷发表了侮辱性的言论。Some England fans made abusive comments about a young Germany fan after she was pictured crying during Germany's 2-0 defeat at Wembley.

  Youtube网红杰克·卡尔·迪恩在推特上写道:“当看到一个10岁德国女孩在观众群中哭泣,满酒吧的人爆发欢呼,我这辈子从没像此刻这样为自己是英国人而感到骄傲。”"Never in my life have I been prouder to be English than when I heard a pub full of people erupted into cheers after seeing a 10-year-old German girl crying in the crowd," YouTube star Jack Carl Dean wrote on Twitter.


  而在社交媒体上,对女孩的言语暴力则更甚。“哭吧,你这个小纳粹”“德国渣滓“……如此的仇恨言论充斥着推特。Elsewhere across social media, the abuse of the girl was far crueller. "Cry, little Nazi" and "German scum", were some of hateful comments on Twitter.

  终于,英国人自己也看不下去了。英国前国家队球员斯坦·科利莫尔(Stan Collymore)就在推特上截图配文“不必多言”(no words necessary)。BBC主持人也在评论中附议。

  This inappropriate behavior drew national attention when Stan Collymore, a former soccer player for the English National team, tweeted a number of derogatory comments along with the caption: "No words necessary".

  BBC presenter Gary Lineker replied: "Absolutely disgusting. Sickening xenophobia."


  At this critical time, Welshman Joel Hughes, of Caerleon, Newport, decided to start a JustGiving campaign in which he wrote: "I'd like to think that the parents of the little girl will spend this on a nice treat for her so that she knows that not everyone from the UK is horrible, and that we care." $49,811 has been raised as of publishing time.

  Joel Hughes. Photo/BBC


  In a statement on the fundraising page, the girl's family said they wanted the money to be donated to UNICEF.

  The statement said: "In the interests of our daughter and our family, we would like to remain private, however we wish to thank everyone for your amazing support.

  "Our daughter would like to request your generous donations go to UNICEF, knowing that your kindness will do good."

  The initial goal of the campaign was $688. Mr Hughes, 51, said on the page he was "beyond grateful" to the supporters of the campaign.

  编辑:商桢 焦洁 李雪晴来源:BBC Mirror 7News
